In September, 2021, Trinity launched a new strategic visioning process. The product of that work was unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees at its most recent meeting and I am pleased now to present Trinity Vision 2028 to our School community.
Trinity Vision 2028 is organized into three strategic “clusters:” A Community of Belonging, The Promise and Joy of Teaching and Learning, and Citizenship. Each cluster offers a set of broad, aspirational goals accompanied by a set of initial recommendations for exploring the means to achieve these goals. A fourth section reflects on the resources that will be necessary for the school to accomplish its strategic vision.
And now begins the work. Trinity Vision 2028 is not a traditional strategic plan; it is not a prescription for any particular program or method of pedagogy; it is not a to-do list. It is a statement of vision, of aspiration, of direction. It is intended to spur deep dialogue, careful study, and vigorous action.