Our Programs

Global Engagement

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Our Mission

Founded in 2016, Trinity’s Department of Global Engagement is grounded in the School’s pledge to graduate young people abundantly ready to be informed, principled and courageous global citizens. Our domestic and international Road Scholar courses begin in the exploratory imaginations of faculty members, from all three divisions, who understand that the study of any discipline is incomplete until put into real practice in our richly complex and diverse world.  Our itineraries, curated by us and for us, invite students to forge meaningful relationships with each other and with people and places they might never encounter otherwise.  These are not just school trips; these are Trinity Road Scholar trips.   

Our Journeys



Our language immersion experiences strive to be NO ENGLISH zones.  This natural though challenging approach to full fluency opens space for our students to practice attentive listening and adventurous participation in all that comes their way.  Road Scholars’ pre-trip studies prepare them for dynamic conversations with new people and meaningful questions about life, history, politics, economics, art, food and anything else that comes up.





Middle School Study of Hawaii’s Pre- and Post-Colonial History

Thanks to our wonderful MS faculty members, we’ve been able to offer our younger students exciting opportunities to explore the world and learn in a hands-on, experiential way that is age appropriate and just for them.
Middle School students engaged in a special opportunity to learn about the complex history of Hawaii before, during and after colonization, and to understand the impact of annexation and statehood on Hawaiian people, language and culture.  We learned from cultural practitioners committed to reviving the Hawaiian culture and language, building an honest picture of our 50th state. By working alongside Hawaiian students taking part in service projects and learning from those who have dedicated their lives to restoring the land, students will be challenged to critically examine their own understanding of Hawaiian history and culture.


Our Department of Performing Arts has sent our musicians and singers all over Europe.  Performance ensemble groups include full practice and performance experiences.  Our artists are learning from experts in the craft or in front of audiences soon after they land.  Their pre-trip preparation for these journeys is as serious as their desire to share in the language of art with new people in new places.
This collaboration between Trinity’s Performing Arts and English Departments invites our Shakespeare lovers to revel in the Bard’s texts, in participatory workshops facilitated by professionals from Shakespeare’s  GlobeThe Royal Shakespeare Company and The British American Drama Academy, and in daily theater performances.


These Road Scholar courses are deep-dives into the history, politics, art, culture and justice movements of specific communities here and abroad.  They are curated to help our students generate the ideas, questions and personal connections that will prepare them to create deliberate, compassionate and informed change in the world.  


Contact Us

Cindylisa Muñiz

English Teacher
Director of Global Engagement

Chance Nalley

Assistant Director of Global Engagement
Located on the Upper West Side of New York City, Trinity School is a college preparatory, coeducational independent school for grades K-12. Since 1709, Trinity has provided a world-class education to its students with rigorous academics and outstanding programs in athletics, the arts, peer leadership, and global travel.